"Floor Shadow Series (Quantum Chip)" 2018. Eye shadow pigment. TAFA Museum Tianjin, China. 240" x 156"
Floor Shadow Series (Tantamount)" 2018. Eye shadow pigment. TAFA Museum Tianjin, China. 240" x 240
Floor Shadow Series (Tantamount)" 2018. Eye shadow pigment. TAFA Museum Tianjin, China. 240" x 240
"Floor Shadow Series" 2018. Installation view.
Royal blue and emerald green eye shadow Pigment. TAFA Museum Tianjin, China. 157" x 118
“Floor Shadow Series (Yellow Gray Transformation)” 2018. Lemon yellow and silver black eye shadow pigment. TAFA Museum Tianjin, China. 130″ x 141″
Lay Back and Enjoy It, 2017; Lipstick, wood, plexiglass, hardware, paint
Installation View, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, 2017
Lay Back and Enjoy It, 2017; Lipstick, wood, plexiglass, hardware, paint, powder-coated aluminum
Detail: The Sheriff / Barbershop, 2017; Lipstick, wood, plexiglass, hardware, paint
Detail: The Sheriff / Barbershop, 2017; Lipstick, wood, plexiglass, hardware, paint
“Tantamount” 2014-2015. Plexiglass, Aluminum, BMW blue paint, mirror. 72″ x 60″
Tantamount, 2015; Eyeshadow and Aluminum
Cosmos, 2013; Eyeshadow, pigment, plexiglass
Cosmos (detail)
Cockeyed, 2013; Eyeshadow, pigment, plexiglass, Private Collection
ConQue, 2013; Eyeshadow, pigment, plexiglass
True Colors, 2013; Eyeshadow, pigment, plexiglass
Particle Dispersion: Chrome Green, 2013 Plexiglass case with eyeshadow
Particle Dispersion: Nano Yellow, 2013 Plexiglass case with eyeshadow
Particle Dispersion: Orange Vega, 2013; Plexiglass case with eyeshadow
Installation View, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, 2013
Pink Lady, 2013; Plastic, glass, Private Collection
Pink Lady (detail)
Untitled (Tangerine), 2013; Lipstick, wax
Untitled (Cotton Candy), 2013; Lipstick wax
Red Giant & Quantum Dot with Two Electrons, 2013; Eyeshadow, pigment, plexiglass
Independent Cell, 2012; Pigment—cosmetic compound, plexiglass, Private Collection
Installation view, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, 2010
3D Sketch for Cell: Interlocking Construction, 2010; Cardboard
Cell: Interlocking Construction, 2010; Pigment, cosmetic compound, plexiglass; Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Transitional States, 2010; Installation View
Transitional States, 2010; Installation View
Transitional States, 2010; Still from performance
Transitional States, 2010; Still from performance
Transitional States, 2010; Still from performance
Transitional States, 2010; Still from performance
Transitional States, 2010; Still from performance
Transitional States, 2010; Still from performance
Untitled (Homage to Mary Cassatt), 2010; Soap, Bergamot Essence
Parallel Lines, 2010; Pressed eyeshadow, aluminum,glass, Private Collection
Parallel Lines, 2010; Detail
Untitled: (Box Under Construction with Liner), 2010; Powder coated sheet metal, paper (84 units)
Untitled: (Box Under Construction with Liner), 2010; Side view
Corner Convergence Firing Blue Pink and Green, 2010; Pressed eyeshadow, aluminum, glass
Fade to Black Through Twilight (836), 2010; Pressed eyeshadow, aluminum, glass, Private Collection
Color Chart Flat #4, 1993-2012; Eyeshadow and aluminum, Private Collection
Compression Cut, 2008; Cosmetic pigment, pigment, binder, aluminum, Private Collection
L'Escargot, 2007; Eyeshadow, aluminum, Private Collection
Saffron (Warhol), 2008; Eyeshadow, aluminum, Private Collection
Quinacridone Rose (Warhol), 2008; Eyeshadow, aluminum, Private Collection
Viridian Green (Warhol), 2008; Eyeshadow, aluminum, Private Collection
Patricia Sweetow Gallery, SF, 2006; Installation View
Truncated (Pink), 2006; Compression cast cosmetic pigment, welded tinplate, steel
Standing Curve, 2006; Compression cast cosmetic pigment, stainless steel, metal tinplate
Standing Curve, 2006; Side view
Untitled (Black), 2006; Compression cast cosmetic pigment, welded tinplate, steel
Small Curve, 2006; Compression cast cosmetic pigment tinplate, stainless steel
Small Curve, 2006; Side view
Icosader, 2006; Compression cast cosmetic pigment, pigment, welded metal tinplate
Icosader, 2006; Detail
Homage to Dorothy Parker Inside a Richard Serra, 2006; Steel, modified Parker poem
Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Installation view, 2005
3D Stella, 2005; Eyeshadow and welded aluminum, Private Collection
3D Stella, 2005; Detail
Mimesis (Kelley), 2005; Aluminum laminate
Ob Ex (specifically Judd), 2005; Cast pigment with hydrocal, aluminum, Private Collection
LA Boogie, 2005; Eyeshadow, pigment, aluminum, Private Collection
LA Boogie, 2005; Side view
Mondrian Bulge, 2005; Eyeshadow, pigment, 3D plexiglass cover, Private Collection
Mondrian Bulge, 2005; Side view
John, 2005; Eyeshadow, aluminum, Private Collection
John, 2005; Detail
Kline Curve, 2005; Eyeshadow, pigment, aluminum
Kline Curve, 2005; Eyeshadow, pigment, aluminum
Kline Curve, 2005; Detail
Cryo-Field (frozen watercolor), 2001; Water, pigment, refrigeration panel
Cryo-Field (frozen watercolor), 2001; Frosted over
Cryo-Field (frozen watercolor), 2001; Detail
Cryo-Field (frozen watercolor), 2001; Detail
Cryo-Field (frozen watercolor), 2001; Detail
Cryo-Field (frozen watercolor), 2001; Detail
Motel Matches - Portrait of a Ready Made (After Kippenberger), 2000; Replica of beer can burned
Motel Matches—Portrait of a Ready Made, 2000; Detail
Hopelessly Marionetted to Picabia, 2000; Cameras, acrylic
Fucking Painters, 2000; Eyeshadow, aluminum, Private Collection
Michael Kapinios, Germany, 2000, Installation view
Cut to the Chase inside the Wallet of Bill Gates, 1999; Plastic laminate, paper
One to One,1998-1999; Eyeshadow and aluminum; Rolla Collection, Switzerland
Tomb: Tweedledum and Tweedledee, 1998; Crushed, burned computer keyboards
Solid Surface, Installation view, 1998 - 1999; Warehouse-fire fused laminate
Molotov and I, 1998; Vodka, canvas, blown glass
Temple of Apollo, 1998; Eyeshadow, aluminum, backed enamel, steel
Temple of Apollo, detail, 1998; Eyeshadow, aluminum, backed enamel, steel
Black and Red, 1998; Eyeshadow, aluminum, Private Collection
Blue Green Transformation, 1998; Eyesadow, aluminum, Private Collection
Blue Green Transformation, detail, 1998; Eyesadow, aluminum
Nova, 1998; Light jet, aluminum, acrylic on porcelain
Christine Rose, NY, 1998, Installation View
Lipstick Suit, 1997; Lipstick, resin, wax, fiberglass, fabric, Private Collection
High Planes Drifter, 1996; Digital output from video capture
Square Transformation, 1996; 1: Flexible - Open Cube (White Rubber); 2: Collapsed - Open Cube (Red Rubber); 3: Rigid - Open Cube (Metal Lipstick); 4: Square Transformation (Wood Rectangles)
Square Transformation,Flexible - Open Cube (White Rubber) 1996; Rubber, Private Collection
Square Transformation,
Flexible - Open Cube (White Rubber) 1996; Rubber
Square Transformation, Collapsed - Open Cube, 1996; Red rubber, Private Collection
Carbon Fusion, 1996; Mixed plastics, plexiglas, vinyl, styrene, laminate
Form into Uniform into Formlessness, 1996; Blue screen video capture for digital output, backed enamel on aluminum, Private Collection
Form into Uniform into Formlessness, 1996; Detail
Aggregate, 1996; Cast Excedrin AM/PMIngredients: Acetaminophen, bonding agent, caffeine, Private Collection
From Turquoise to Purple (Forged), 1996; House paint backed enamel, eyeshadow
Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Installation View, 1995
Magazin 4 Austria, poster for show “Was is Loos;" 1995
Anagram, 1995; Donald Judd chairs, lipstick, wood, rubber, Private Collection
Originals, 1995; Perfect Raincoat (Fabric Workshop)
Replicant, 1995; Left: lipstick; Right: paint, lipstick, aluminum
Pseudo-Cosmetic Carnivore, 1995; Porcelain, porcelain powder, Private Collection
Stranded, 1995; Porcelain, plastic
Fawbush, NY, 1995; Installation view
Fawbush, NY, 1995; Installation view
Portrait of a Feminist, 1993; White enamel on glass (photographic image is the shadow), Private Collection
Untitled (Bizarra), 1993; Enamel on glass, aluminum brackets, Private Collection
Spiral Stair Case, 1993; Enamel on glass, Private Collection
Returning the Gaze, 1993; Ink on glass, Private Collection
Granddaughter Clock, 1993; Wood, aluminum
“Burnt Bunny”, 1993; Burned hand-made wooden figure & 2 photos; Figure approximately 48″. Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Burnt Bunnies, 1993; Photograph
Burnt Bunnies, 1993; Photograph
Burnt Bunnies, 1993; Burned wood, Museum of Contemporarty Art, Los Angeles
Installation Shot, Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, 1993
Anita Hill, 1993, Dimensions variable, pencil and bronze.
Anita Hill, 1993, Dimensions variable, pencil and bronze.
“Bravado”, 1993; Elongated cello, handmade case, Cello: 134″x18x15″ Case: 31.5″x19.5″x16″. Collection of Peter Norton
Broken Glass, 1992; Blown glass, 9 pairs and broken pieces, Private Collection
Color Chart Flat #1, 1992; Eyeshadow and aluminum, Private Collection
Untitled, 1993; Lipstick, resin, Private Collection
“Under the Influence”, 1992; Ink on glass, 6 panels, 44″x44″x12″ Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Feminine Aspirations,1992; Lipstick, resin, makeup, plexiglass, Private Collection
Red Tips, 1991-1992; Lipstick, fabric, resin, shoes, Private Collection
Untitled, 1992; Lipstick, Private Collection
One Month Late, 1992; Lipstick ties, resin shoes, hanger
Untitled Urinals, 1992; Lipstick, wax, hydrocal, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Pink and Blue, 1992; Lipstick, fiberglass, fabric, Private Collection
Sarah, 1992; Lipstick and wax, Private Collection
Red Not Blue,1992; Still from performance
Red Not Blue,1992; Still from performance
Red Not Blue - Three Torsos with Penes, 1992; Lipstick on canvas, Private Collection
Red Not Blue - Penis marking (from scissor lift descent), 1992; Lipstick on canvas, Private Collection
Red Not Blue - Buttocks, 1992; Lipstick on canvas
New California Art: Rachel Lachowicz, at the Orange County Museum of Art, 1992
Black and Blue, 1992; Wood, pigment, metal, leather, Private Collection
Season Cycle, 1991-1992; Brass plate figures, wood bases, Private Collection
Femme Fatale, 1991; Cosmetic powder, plaster, meat hooks, rope, Private Collection
Forensic Projection (28, 58, 88 years), 1992; Face powder & hydrocal, Private Collection
Leap Into the Void, 1991; Lipstick, Private Collection
Monochrome Red, 1991; Cast lipstick, Private Collection
Homage to Carl Andre (red), 1991; Lipstick and wax; Orange County Museum of Art
Coma, 1991; Lipstick and wax, Private Collection
Face Powder, 1991; Cast face powder, plaster, Private Collection
Catherine Deneuve, 1991; Enamel on glass, Private Collection
1940 Vogue, 1991; Enamel on glass, Private Collection
Self-Portrait, 1991; Enamel on glass, Private Collection
“Homage to Carl Andre (light and dark)”, 1991; Lipstick and wax, Orange County Museum of Art
High Heels, 1991; Shoes, fabric, Private Collection
Red David, 1991; Plaster, lipstick, Private Collection
Third String, 1991; Violin, shoes, Private Collection
House of Cards, 1991; Plaster, furniture, felt, Private Collection
Molotov Kit, 1990; Fabric, gas cans, matches, canvas bras, Private Collection
Beauty Mark, 1990; Charcoal, blueprint, glass, Private Collection
Carol Burnett, 1990; CB’s faxes from ‘89 cubed, wood, Private Collection
“Wish You Were Here”, 1990; Sandblasted mirror, 16″x52″; Collection of Peter Norton
Collagen, 1990; Cast lipstick molding, Private Collection
“Lipstick Cube”, 1990; Cast lipstick, 8″x8″x8″; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Brownie Points, 1990; Cotton, felt, Bronx Museum, New York
Molotov Cocktail, 1989; Gasoline, canvas, bottles, Private Collection
Charcoal on Paper, 1989; Burned wood, paper; Israel Museum Collection, Jerusalem
Burning Down the Fresco Barn with Lemon Scented Trash Bags, 1988; Plastic, kerosene, matches fire extinguisher
Mary Tyler Moore's Hairdo, 1988; Graphite, paper, weight, Private Collection
Untitled, 1988; Metal
Graphic on Paper, 1988; Graphite, paper, Private Collection
Graphite and Paper, 1988; Graphite, paper, Private Collection